Pixel Princess iOS

Welcome to Pixel Princess iOS.

For feedback and bug reporting please email PixelPrincessApp@gmail.com

Pixel Princess iOS app

Welcome to Pixel Princess, the retro, pixellated, puzzle game. Thanks for stopping by.

If you have any comments or notice a bug 🥴 please don’t hesitate to drop us an email.

But most of all, thanks for supporting independent developers!

Privacy Policy

Pixel Princess collects no personal data at all and does not transmit any logging data back to the developers (us). Pixel Princess requires no device permissions. In order to access optional Game Center achievements, users must login with their Game Center account, which is handled by Apple. In order to purchase additional levels, users must complete a payment transaction, which is handled by Apple.

Deutsch: Pixel Princess sammelt keinerlei persönliche Daten und überträgt keine Protokolldaten an die Entwickler. Pixel Princess erfordert keine Geräteberechtigungen.

Français : Pixel Princess ne collecte aucune donnée personnelle et ne transmet aucune donnée de journalisation en retour aux développeurs. Pixel Princess ne nécessite aucune autorisation du dispositif.

Italiano: Pixel Princess non raccoglie alcun dato personale e non rimanda alcun dato di log agli sviluppatori. Pixel Princess non richiede alcuna autorizzazione del dispositivo.

Español: Pixel Princess no recoge ningún dato personal y no envía ningún dato de registro a los desarrolladores. Pixel Princess no requiere ninguna autorización del dispositivo.

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